Pay using Unified Payment Interface (UPI) to our Virtual Payment Address (VPA)
QR Code
Pay using National Electronic Funds Transfer (NEFT):
Name of the Bank: CANARA BANK
Branch : Station Road, ANAND - 388001 GUJARAT
A/c No. : 71131010000030
IFSC Code: CNRB0000163
A/c Type : CURRENT Account
*UPI = Unified Payments Interface by NPCI, RBI and Indian Banking Association; VPA = Virtual Payment Address - a unique identifier to a person's Bank A/c for UPI; QR Code = Quick Response two dimensional (matrix) Barcode for mobile scanner; NEFT = National Electronic Funds Transfer - electronic payment system by RBI and Banks.
Buy Options
1. Buy at Factory Outlet (Best Price)
Ex-Works (EXW) Discounted Price (inc. GST) :
Save on Shipping + Packaging + Courier charges + E-payment gateway transaction/ convenience fee and purchase the product directly from the works at the Special Ex-Works (EXW) Discounted Price indicated above.
Maximum Ex-Works Price (inc. GST) : ₹xxx
2. Delivered at your Door ! Pay using UPI / QR Code / NEFT*
Delivered Duty Paid (DDP) Discounted Price (all inclusive*); Save 20-90% on Packaging & Courier Costs
Choose other e-payment methods such as UPI / QR Code / NEFT to save on e-payment gateway transaction/ convenience fee and based on purchase quantity, avail 20% to 90% discount on Packaging Costs and Courier Costs for delivery at your door.
Please fill up the Order Request Form below for Shipment details after payment.
Quantity Ship Discount (%) DDP Price / Unit
> 81 90 ₹xxx
> 27 60 ₹xxx
> 9 40 ₹xxx
> 3 30 ₹xxx
1 - 3 20 ₹xxx
*All inclusive Delivered Duty Paid (DDP) Price includes discounted product price + factory/ warehouse packing and handling charges, shipping (courier) charges, insurance, customs, VAT or import duties, and 'Goods and Services Tax' (GST).
3. Delivered at your Door! Pay using Secure E-Payment Gateway
Delivered Duty Paid (DDP) Discounted Price (all inclusive*):
₹ xxx
Secure E-Payment Gateway available. E-payment gateway transaction/ convenience fee (3%) would be levied. Simply click on the PayU™ Button below.
*All inclusive Delivered Duty Paid (DDP) Price includes discounted product price + factory/ warehouse packing and handling charges, shipping (courier) charges, insurance, customs, VAT or import duties, 'Goods and Services Tax' (GST), and e-payment gateway transaction/ convenience fee.
Maximum Retail Price (MRP) : ₹xxx (inc. GST + Shipping)
[Button Inactive]
4. Delivered at your Door! Cash on Delivery (COD)
Cash on Delivery (COD) Price (all inclusive*):
₹ xxxx
COD orders accepted. However, COD charges @ ₹5 per ₹100 (5%) would be levied extra over DDP price.
*COD = Cash payment on Delivery; All inclusive COD Price includes discounted product price + factory/ warehouse packing and handling charges, shipping (courier) charges, insurance, customs, VAT or import duties, GST, and Courier Cash (COD) handling fee.